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Tumpek Wayang - Ceremonial for the puppet.

>> Thursday, January 15, 2009

On 13, December 2008. Balinese people will celebrated The Tumpek Wayang traditional ceremonial. On this day the ceremony was held which is connection with the arts, especially the puppet, offering forward to Bhatara Iswara apply to the arts is sustainable, fun, and be lucky. And for children who was born in this wuku tumpek wayang he must obtain a special ceremony and receive holy water from a puppet which is popular with the ceremony Sapuh Leger.

The Tumpek Wayang day which also known as Tumpek Ringgit where this day are commonly came one time in every six moon and according to the Balinese calendar which base on the wuku like sinta, landep, ukir, kulantir and other until watugunung. This ceremonial are presented at wuku tumpek wayang precisely at Saniscara Kliwon Tumpek Wayang.

The Sapuh Leger for the soon who born at Tumpek wayang day.

Tumpek Ringgit or Tumpek Wayang are the sacral day for the Balinese people, because this day there are ceremonial for the puppet which connection with the art. There are a stories which related to the Tumpek Wayang which base on the Lontar here mentioned that the Deva Siva having sex intercourse with his wife Devi Uma in unfair place and time, so because this unfair sex relation so born the Batara kala and from his father siva his geve a permition to eat a kind which born on Tumpek wayang. One day in tumpek wayang devi Uma born a kind namely panca kumara so directly when panca kumara born Batara kala try tu rush to catching and eat him and after all day run try to catching panca kumara and finally there are Puppet show and Batara kala is stop and enjoyable to watch the entertainment he forgot to eat panca kumara there he give segan and some upacara so he would not eat panca kumara again. For the soon who born in this day that it must get the wayang interaiment and some upakara which know as Sapuh Leger.

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